In America we have a very specific protection of freedom of speech. In recent times the youngest voices among adults have cried out to silence some people and that really could take us in a bad direction. If someone is racist, un-informed, just plain mean, or trolling they still have every right to say whatever […]
Author: jmccarver
My Working Definition of God
A discussion started with a friend of mine recently in relation to the debate between Bill Nye and Ken Ham on the idea of creationism vs evolution. I’ve held my own thoughts for a long time on what we might call God but until this discussion I hadn’t tried to articulate it all fully. In […]
The Poor, Insurance, and Money
Being poor does not mean that you waste your excess income, it means you don’t have income. Being poor is the lack of having any money to spend. I think the work done recently in the United States on the Affordable Care Act is very good and while anything that big is going to have […]
On Perspective and Privilege
Our own perspective, our personal point of view of the world, is all we have. It flows from a nearly undeniable truth that René Descartes brought to the west in saying that our thoughts prove our personal existence ( The old “I think therefore I am” ) Given that our thought defines our reality […]
On Conspiracy and Society
What’s the biggest conspiracy of all? What’s really at the top of the ladder? Who is pulling all the strings. Most of the time the answer is no one. Nothing. There is no plan, there is no hoax and there is no ulterior motive. That’s not true all the time. After all the rich are […]
Monitor Your Own Uptime
If you manage websites you know how bad it feels to have someone tell you a site is not only down but it’s been that way for 2 hours … or days. There are solutions out there to monitor your sites uptime but many of them charge and are at best clunky. I’m going to […]
Being an Adult
The great thing about being an adult is that you can do whatever you want all of the time. You can do it when you’re a kid too but it took me twenty something years to figure that out. – Jonathan McCarver
Occupy Greyskull
This is my contribution to the world today.
If You’re in IT Learn to Use a Mac
I am a computer programmer by trade and a long time computer user. I’ve had a Macintosh Performa 405, a Compaq Presario, a poorly build hand made computer, a Macbook Pro, a Dell Vostro 1000 laptop, a better built custom computer, a toshiba touchscreen tablet pc, 2 kinds of iphone and a sony vaio that […]
My Problem with Unbreakable
I just had one problem with the movie unbreakable.