I explained the budget on twitter but thought it was worth collecting in one place: Some people are confused on the presidents budget plan. He explained it well in the past but it takes a while to make sense of. With his plan we will continue to go further in debt for years to come. We […]
Category: Uncategorized
There are no new ideas – yea right!
People often claim that every idea out there has been done. TV and movies, books and stories it all seems repetitive. When you’re brainstorming new ideas you always think it’s been done before, it’s too much like ____. Well I’m here to prove you wrong. Lets take movies. I will tremendously oversimplify the example case […]
There’s no such thing as the Government
The Krs One song Whad Kinda World starts with the verse: There’s no such thing as a government There’s only people rulin over people People jerkin around people People lendin a hand to people.. What part of the system do you play? Who do you oppress? .. Uhh! For some it’s difficult to release the […]
Dial *112 for Police dispach
* I jumped the gun on this. A friend of mine found I was tricked. the *112 number is at best a redirect to 911 according to most sources. * My mom forwarded me an email today, you know how that goes. Email from Moms are usually either pictures of dogs or jokes that sit
I want to ride my bicicle
It’s kind of a dreary day and I wanted to ride my bike to work today but the forecast calls for rain all afternoon. Hopefully I can bring it to work tomorrow but until then I want to share a video that has continued to inspire me since I first saw it a few years […]
Want to know why I have been using a screen name no one can pronounce for the last year? It’s because my Instructor, Rasta (pronounced hasta), gave me that name for the way I move. In Capoeira you are often given a nickname. The old capoeiristas were often outlaws and wouldn’t use their real name […]
Generic Site Design
For your consideration here is a quick model of development for a complex data driven wibsite or web tool. I would love some feedback, thanks!
What is Marketing?
I want to make quality products and a real quality product doesn’t need to be sold up, spun or tied to a gimmick. All it needs in fact is to be described.
News Roundup
A lot of new stories of interest to me have popped up lately and I thought I should bang out a quick post to save, describe, and share them. Most are related to video games so if you aren’t a gamer be warned.
Just lazy enough
Well here we go again. I tried once before with blogspot http://aranhia.blogspot.com to start writing and posting updates. That field proved too narrow and after completing the work related to it (flash games) I didn’t have a reason to keep up to speed. This time I am writing on whatever I feel needs saying and […]